LIVE PERFORMANCES at Relish Bar & Grill
Sweet Smell of Success
Everytime You Break My Heart
This Corona Virus Blows in So Many Ways
(April 2020) April was going to be a big month. We were planning to welcome spring with a couple of gigs at Relish and Grossman's and then, just maybe, release a new song or 2 into the atmosphere. Thanks to this flippin' pandemic, all gigs for the foreseeable future are cancelled and our recording is behind schedule. The good news is we are going to try to finish up a couple of those tunes remotely (ain't technology grand?). So stay tuned. With any luck we'll have something new (eventually) to help you pass your quarantine time.
A thought for the venues that support us throughout the year...
We don't know how long we'll be on the sidelines as far as playing live is concerned. And yep, it's a drag to not be able to share our music. However, it's more than a drag for our club owners. They and their staff are hurting (like so many others) and, margins in the restaurant business being what they are, every one of them is in danger. Our plea is that, whenever this social distancing is over, please get out and support all your local, independent merchants and particularly those that support live local music. We are all in this thing together. Let's do whatever we can, whenever we can, to support them when the doors finally re-open.
General Newsiness...
(January 2020) What's new in the world of the Pearl Motel you ask? Plenty. Lorenzo has fully recovered from his freak gardening accident, Eric is now legally hitched to April, Brent has survived that Leaf swoon that saw Babs get the ax and, as their fortunes improve, so does he. Nathalie continues to shine like the multi-faceted diamond she is and Chris is still yelling at clouds. Oh... and we're planning on recording a new album this year. We'll be going back to the approach we took with our mini-album, the Storm Sessions. Live off the floor to, hopefully, capture that old live magic that has us in its spell. Stay tuned for a release later in the year.
Weddings, Parties, Anything...
(May 2019) Some of you may be working under the misguided impression that the Pearl Motel only likes to hang out and play in bars. Well, perish the thought. Of course we love bars (they're awesome), but we just love to play our patented brand of swingin' jazzabilly anywhere and everywhere. In fact, we love to play private events and can entertain your people in a variety of configurations. The Pearl Motel can strip down to leaner combinations of musicians and can still deliver a couple of fun and eclectic sets. And that's the point of this blurb. We can go big (full band) or small to meet the needs of your venue or event. So why not consider the Pearl Motel... We're more fun than a bunch of sailors on shore leave (except, unlike them, we clean up our mess when we leave).
Our Commitment to Original Music Requires a Lot of Friends
(January 2018) As anyone who has seen or heard us knows, the Pearl Motel plays an eclectic mix of material. From Irving Berlin to Frank Sinatra to the Everly Brothers to Lucinda Williams to Johnny Cash, we offer something familiar for almost every taste. But our main stock in trade is our commitment to writing and performing original songs. It is an honour to be able to share these songs with you and we are grateful to everyone who supports local musicians making original music. And no one supports live and local music more than our local entrepreneurs who lend players like us their stages. Bar and restaurant owners are the lifeblood of any local music scene. No one is getting rich, but we all share in the joy of making and presenting fantastic music. None of it would work without you. So thanks for coming out and supporting both artist and venue with your open ears and, frankly, your wallets. Music lovers like you keep all of us in business (If you need a quick hit of the Pearl Motel, just click the links directly below)
Listen... Right here... Right now!(February 2020) It's between gigs and you're jonesing for a little Maximum Swing-a-Billy. How do you scratch that itch? Easy. Just stream a few of our songs right here at
Whenever you need a fix of our swingin’ and genre-defying tuneage, just click on the "Listen on Spotify" links you'll find all over our website or check out our “Media” tab, where you’ll find our Beautiful Disaster album, or set list staples from our Storm Sessions disc, I Wanna Know and Behind Your Eyes. Stream away. The boss won’t mind. Heck, she’ll probably dig ‘em too. She might even ask how come you have such amazing taste in music and then, perhaps, she’ll offer you a big time promotion because, well, someone with such classy and refined preferences in music is probably the next corporate high-flyer… Who knows? Anything can happen when you check in at the Pearl Motel… Give us a listen. ![]()
Next up:
Spring Doubleheader CANCELLED (Thanks Covid-19, you fucker) Relish Bar & Grill (511 Danforth Ave.) Thursday, April 2nd 7-9pm & Grossman's Tavern (379 Spadina Ave.) Saturday April 4th 9pm We know... we know. It's not spring yet, but it's creeping up and we can't wait. We'll be recording some new material in the coming weeks (watch this space for announcements about our progress), but then we're gonna bust out for a double shot of live swing-a-billy to kick off April. First, we'll warm up with a couple of sets at Relish on April 2nd and then we'll break it open with a crazy night of action at Grossman's, Toronto's fabled and favourite blues bar, on Saturday April 4th. Anytime we play Grossman's it's a blast. We'll likely have a few musical guests join us for a night that promises to be a wild shindig if ever there was one. So, block off those dates and c'mon along. You will not regret it! |